Getting to Know Your Well Information
Attention Well Owner(s): The Wisconsin Geological Society Archives of Madison, in a joint venture with the Department of Natural Resources, has compiled a data base of the well construction reports, from 1930 to the present. This helps customers have specialized information about their private wells.
What our business has done with this valuable information, is to personalize your private well construction report, onto a magnet.
So what does your well construction report show? It is comprised of: The date of the construction, depth of your well, gallons of production, depth of pump setting, state of your water level, ground formations encountered, what type of property you have, from when it was originally built, and if you have a well screen installed or not.
This well information is crucial for you know, for if you ever require treatment or reconstruction.
Your magnet is designed to be placed on your pressure tank. It is also easy to place the magnet on your pressure tank. Simply, wipe an area on the front of your pressure tank clean. Place the magnet near the top of your pressure tank, to avoid moisture.
Photo of a sample well construction report
Request a Magnet
We hope you enjoy your handy magnet. Please call 1 (800) 452-6060 if you have any information, questions, concerns, or would like to request a magnet. Visit our services page to view all of the well and pump services we offer.